The b&b I Sogni della Memoria it is located between the two Ragusas.

The structure is located in the heart of the historic center of Ragusa, precisely halfway between “the two Ragusas”: the new city and the ancient Ragusa Ibla.

The propetry, builded In a classic style, has 3 double bedrooms, 1 triple bedroom, a living area and a dining room with kitchen. A few meters furthermore, it enjoys a covered public car park.

bedThe rooms

“I malavoglia”
“I malavoglia”
“Carrubbe e cavalieri”
“Carrubbe e cavalieri”

restaurantThe dining room

Breakfast is served by our staff from 7:30 to 09:00. Subsequently, the dining room and the kitchen, complete with all accessories, are available to guests.

chairLiving Room

A large and comfortable living area is available to guests. Here you can spend your time relaxing and socialising.

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